The use of vertical advertising machines in hotel shopping malls

The use of vertical advertising machines in hotel shopping malls

The use of vertical advertising machines in hotel shopping malls

Vertical advertising machines have been continuously improved in terms of safety and stability to ensure excellent equipment; the enhanced human-machine interface design makes it more convenient for users to operate; it has become a new type of advertising media publicity equipment. What are the advantages of vertical advertising machinesin hotel hypermarkets?


For example: vertical advertising machines have changed the passive dissemination mode of traditional Chinese media advertising. With human-computer interaction as its feature, they can attract more consumers to actively browse advertisements, becoming a new highlight in the advertising media enterprise market and being analyzed and applied by major hotel merchants.


The hotel's information release system can install terminal electronic display screens and LCD displays in the lobby, stairs, floors, conference rooms, etc. Provide customers with systematic and unified hotel advertisements, latest activities and latest products. The modern style is fashionable, warm and comfortable, which can bring guests a suitable lifestyle, enhance competitiveness, and allow customers to get the latest information of the hotel from the beginning. For example: hotel maps, customer use, food recommendations, event discounts, etc.


For consumers, the benefits of vertical advertising: consumers can learn about recommended merchants through vertical advertising, promotional information and other information. Playing various promotional advertisements can also enhance consumers' impressions rather than exclude them. The image of the advertisement has been affirmed by consumers from both visual and auditory aspects.

 vertical advertising machines

The benefits that vertical advertising machines bring to merchants and enterprises: through the vertical advertising machine to display the image and style of the merchant, consumers will have a deeper impression of the merchant and expand the brand cultural influence of the merchant. Displaying their own products allows consumers to understand the products better and make consumers buy more assured. In order to achieve the release of the centralized accounting information system for resource management, enterprises can effectively control the playback time, method, and development status of all other work content, as well as the operation of the equipment.


Compared with wall-mounted products with fixed positions, most vertical advertisements can save resistance and install more flexible and personalized applications to better meet the needs of users in the retail industry. Furthermore, based on the flexibility under this premise, the rapid rise of the interactive trend has successfully created a fairly "grounded" interactive game, greatly improving the cost-effectiveness of use.

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