The application of the double sided advertising display

The application of the double sided advertising display


Double-sided advertising machines are used in the financial industry. The inward-facing side is used to display business processes, and the outward-facing side is used to display the advantages of service products.

advertising player display

1. Government agencies

The background of double-sided advertising machine unified control and management of news, policy notices, service guidelines, business matters, important announcements and other information release. At the same time, the deployment of digital signage advertising is also convenient for service personnel.


2. Financial industry

Users use the double-sided advertising display system to play financial information, display and introduce banking services and event notices to customers, play unified corporate culture or promotional videos, etc.


3. Medical industry

With the help of double-sided advertising screen and vertical advertising player, medical institutions can broadcast medicine, registration, hospitalization and other related information, allow doctors and patients to interact, and provide map guidance, entertainment information and other content services.


4. Education industry

Safety education videos can be played in various important activity areas in the school, such as teaching buildings, canteens, dormitories, sports activities management. In addition, music videos, news and videos can also be played through the network board LCD touch inquiry machine

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