Smart advertising machines are constantly developing

Smart advertising machines are constantly developing

1. Frontier of Intelligent Electronic Digital Products

Electronic digital products, with their unique fashion and personality characteristics, have gradually become the new favorites of enterprises and individuals for business gifts, conference gifts, promotional gifts, and gifts for relatives and friends, and the market development prospects are broad. Digital products include a lot of things, such as smart phones, digital cameras, digital video cameras, digital learning machines, digital walkmans, scanners, etc., all of which are digital products. In short, we can basically call any device that can be connected to a computer a digital product. Today is the age of computers, and digital products are even more popular. At present, China's consumer electronics industry has entered the rising channel of consumption upgrade and new retail, accelerating the upgrading and innovation of products, and also requiring manufacturers and retailers to have a global forward-looking approach to channel layout. The potential value of traditional channels will be re-evaluated, more types of smart new retail will appear, and the retail landscape of China's consumer electronics market will be reconstructed in the future, and the "comprehensive" layout of online and offline will dominate the future. Retailers with balanced layout development, such as Suning, are expected to play an important role in the future consumer market.

2. Introduction to the intelligent advertising machine solution

Traditional advertising machines play advertisements in a loop according to the order set at the beginning, but there is no way to know whether the audience really watches the advertisements or is interested in the content of the advertisements. Smart advertising machines have added effect statistics and big data analysis functions. Through the built-in camera of the advertising machine application and the face recognition function, it is easy to count the number of viewers, crowd portraits, and the degree of attention of the audience to the advertisement in a certain period of time. Through these data, the content, time period, and customer groups in different areas of the advertisement can be adjusted to improve advertising efficiency and increase revenue. The application of smart advertising machines has added more input and output functions. The audience can choose whether to like or not to watch through the designated buttons on the advertising machine; they can also obtain advertising content and application guides through the QR code displayed on the screen.

3. Main technologies of smart advertising machine solutions

In the process of designing and producing the content of smart advertising machines, there must be divergent thinking, not limited to the traditional network advertising machines, and the courage to promote the creation of boundaries. On the premise of firming their own goals, they should actively guide the market trend rather than blindly follow. For the software itself, when building it, you must not blindly pursue the richness of functions, because the more functions, not only means more investment costs, but also more complicated operation processes, and most users do not have professional knowledge. Overly complex operation interfaces will only reduce the efficiency of use. Therefore, when choosing software functions, you should still choose the one that suits you according to your own needs. At the same time, in order to ensure the efficient application of the system, enterprises and merchants must pay attention to the openness of the system in order to keep up with the pace of industry development and avoid being eliminated prematurely. Speaking of the hardware equipment of Android network advertising machines, at present, they mainly include LCD advertising machine displays and player devices. As leading trend equipment, they are the main focus of technological innovation for advertising machine manufacturers. They are not only updated quickly, but also varied in types. Taking the network advertising machine display as an example, every two to three years, the display screen of the network version of the advertising machine will be lighter and brighter, more efficient in power consumption, and provide higher resolution. Moreover, there are LCD screens, LCD splicing screens, small-pitch LED large screens and other options.

4. Advantages of smart advertising machines

a. Support RSS subscription: can actively obtain real-time news from news websites such as Sina, Sohu, CNN, etc., and display them on the screen.

b. Custom content playback: horizontal scrolling text characters can be displayed at the bottom of the screen, and the text content can be updated at any time through computer control.

c. Record data: record the content, number, and time of the advertisements played by the vertical advertising machine, so as to provide the data to the advertising buyers as a voucher for advertising cost accounting.

d. Convenient to update materials: such as promotional pictures, missing persons notices, special price notices, supply and demand information, new product launches and other advertising information. Temporary subtitles or images can be inserted remotely, split-screen playback, etc., to achieve business diversification. Advantages of advertising machines Advantages of advertising machines Advantages of advertising machines Introduction to advertising machines

e. Active download of materials: When the remote database is updated, new materials can be automatically downloaded to the local area. When there is a task arrangement, it can be played directly, eliminating the embarrassment of waiting for playback.

f. Customized power on and off: Power on and off within a specific time period to achieve intelligent management.

LCD screen

5. Introduction to the functions of intelligent advertising machines

a. Centralized control management

The elevator advertising machine supports remote control and management through the wide area network, without manual card replacement and card insertion, so that different places, different audiences, and different time periods can play different advertising information content.

b. Real-time information release

The integrated advertising machine also supports the release of safety knowledge information, property service information and commercial advertising information, supports the immediate release of emergency information, emergencies, and inserts media files, including bank foreign exchange, fund interest rates, policies and regulations, promotional activities, weather forecasts, clocks and other real-time information can be released simultaneously.

c. Multi-screen split screen display function

The integrated advertising machine supports setting a specific playback schedule for each screen, which solves the contradiction that only playing advertisements will reduce attention or only playing entertainment programs will have no advertising value, and realizes the diversification of operation functions. It also supports custom split screens, the screen area can be divided arbitrarily, the horizontal and vertical screens can be matched arbitrarily, the resolution can be combined arbitrarily, multiple screens do not interfere with each other, and can play videos, music and pictures at the same time, supporting the composite application of information release and touch query and interaction.

d. Custom NFC function

After adding the NFC function, users can get more product or service information and more consultation by waving their mobile phones at the screen of the integrated advertising machine. It supports docking with online shopping malls, which can guide users to form real consumption while being exposed to promotional information, greatly improving the purchase conversion rate of advertisements.

e. With floor display function

When the elevator advertising machine is connected to the elevator backend, the elevator operation status is obtained in real time, the floor display is supported, and the digital information or voice information of the elevator up and down is integrated into the multimedia publishing system. When the multimedia advertisement is released, the elevator up or down and the floor where it stops are displayed on the display terminal.

f. One-key alarm function

The elevator advertising machine solution supports one-key alarm. When the elevator fails and the user is trapped, the emergency rescue personnel can be contacted immediately to shorten the response time and improve the timeliness of elevator rescue. At the same time, videos such as the elevator trapped emergency guide are played to comfort the trapped people and stabilize their emotions. Passengers are informed of the current status of the elevator and the correct handling method through voice, so as to avoid accidents caused by passengers' wrong operation.

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