The use of LCD splicing screen

The use of LCD splicing screen


The Usage of Splicing Screen

splicing screen

1. Super long life. With the advancement of science and technology, the service life of liquid crystal products can reach more than 50,000 hours (mainly affected by the backlight). It can reach more than 100,000 hours, the brightness can reach 1000 lumens, and the light source will not dim after long-term use.

2. Large viewing angle. For the early liquid crystal products, the viewing angle used to be a big problem restricting the liquid crystal, but with the continuous progress of liquid crystal technology, this problem has been completely solved, such as the splicing screen using DID and IPS technology, its visible angle can reach an unprecedented 178 degrees.

3. High resolution. According to the mainstream technology in the market, the physical resolution of the liquid crystal display can easily reach the retina level which cannot be distinguished by the naked eye.

4. Ultra-thin and light weight. The liquid crystal has the characteristics of thin thickness and light weight, which can be easily spliced and installed. The 55-inch special LCD screen weighs only 30KG and the thickness is less than 11 cm, which is unmatched by other display devices.

5. Low power consumption. Liquid crystal display equipment, low power, low heat has always been praised by people, only 3W in standby mode.

6. Low failure rate. Liquid crystal is the most stable and reliable display device by 2021. Due to the small heat generation, the device is very stable, and it will not cause failure due to excessive temperature rise of the components.

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